1. Component Format
  2. Script Module

Component Format

Script Module

A <script> tag with a context="module" attribute runs once when the module first evaluates, rather than for each component instance. Values declared in this block are accessible from a regular <script> (and the component markup) but not vice versa.

You can export bindings from this block, and they will become exports of the compiled module.

You cannot export default, since the default export is the component itself.


Variables defined in module scripts are not reactive — reassigning them will not trigger a rerender even though the variable itself will update. For values shared between multiple components, consider using a store.

<script context="module">
	let totalComponents = 0;

	// this allows an importer to do e.g.
	// `import Example, { alertTotal } from './Example.svelte'`
	export function alertTotal() {

	totalComponents += 1;
	console.log(`total number of times this component has been created: ${totalComponents}`);